Welcome beautiful woman!
Welcome to 'When Wise Women Whisper'.
You know that feeling that something is wrong, but you can't place your finger on it?
That your life just can't seem to get in the right direction?
That's what I experienced as well… and it confused me. I didn't have the right knowledge to understand what was going wrong. And as a result of that, I couldn’t do anything to enable a better situation for myself and my children.
Let me rephrase that:
Without the ability to picture something on a mental level, you cannot grasp it on an emotional level. And as a result, you can’t make the necessary changes on an energetic level to create a stronger version of yourself and thus, a better outcome.
When Wise Women Whisper helps empathic and high sensitive women to find their wisdom, regain their strength, show them where their power and vigor is, how to use their voice for their own benefit and make them THRIVE.
Not sure if you are an empathic or high sensitie women? Take our quiz!
We are always just 1 decision away from changing our lives. If you are reading this right now and you feel the connection, you know there is a better life for you, or you wouldn’t be here. Make today the day you take action to become the woman you want to be. 1 year from now, you will thank yourself for starting today.
'When Wise Women Whisper', what wisdom would they want to share?
Have a great journey,

Wanneer vrouwen wijsheid delen, volstaat fluisteren.
Want er is geen reden om te schreeuwen. Luider praten betekent niet dat je meer gelijk hebt.
Voor echte wijsheid is een fluistering voldoende.
When Wise Women Whisper - Spotify Playlist
Uit de uitgebreide afspeellijsten die ik in de loop der jaren heb verzameld, nam ik een selectie van nummers die aanvoelen als Wijze Vrouwen die Fluisteren of als Vrouwen die Fluisteren terwijl jij Wijzer wordt.
Misschien vind je niet alle muziek in deze afspeellijst leuk. Laat je verrassen en bewaar degene die je leuk vindt 😊

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